soundmatters foxL V2 apt-x 藍牙喇叭

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soundmatters foxL V2 apt-x 藍牙喇叭


  • ★ 高音質保真,輕小的體積

  • ★ 透過音源線連接各種音樂

  • ★ apt-x 高音質,低延遲

  • 內容簡介

    soundmatters foxL V2 apt-x 藍牙喇叭


    “astonished by the sound quality that comes from such a small package”- CNN Tech

    “We could not believe the sound that came out of these tiny speakers.”
    - The Rolling Stone
    ”四星級的評等,棒極了! ”
    “Editor Rated 4 - STARS, EXCELLENT” - CNET.COM

    ”…..從來沒有體積這麼小的喇叭,聲音這麼好……. foxL呈現的音頻聽起來像是每對$2000精心設計的喇叭...,
    “no speaker this small ever sounded so good….. The frequency response of the foxL looks like a well-engineered,$2000-per-pair bookshelf speaker…those that value good sound will consider it a bargain – and, perhaps, something of a miracle.”
    - Sound and Vision Magazine

    ”有了無線傳輸技術, foxL無疑是商務旅行中最美好的享受”
    “The foxL is simply the best thing to happen to business travel since Wi-Fi.”
    - JazzTimes

    “…more bass than I’ve ever heard from a device this size. For what it is, it sounds amazingly solid. Given the choice between this and having something clamped on my head or stuck in my ears for long periods, I’d choose this…”
    - Home Theater Magazine

    “…its sound quality always impresses and sometimes even astounds.”- Robb Report

    “sound quality that defies its small size”- Minneapolis Star-Tribune
    “considering it’s size, it produces profoundly good sound”- Esquire
    “Its midrange and upper frequency response is especially natural. Even the
    bass response is decent.”- Vintage Guitar


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